
Drunkenly raped a young child: a man in Vinnytsia region was sentenced to 14 years in prison

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A 51-year-old resident of Vinnytsia region was sentenced to 14 years in prison for raping young child. The crime was committed in November 2021, and the accused pleaded not guilty. UNN reports this with reference to the regional prosecutor's office.


"The prosecutor proved in court that in November 2021, a man with many children, while intoxicated, in the courtyard of a non-residential building, in front of his young daughter, using physical violence, despite the victim's young age, had sexual intercourse with her against the child's will," the prosecutor's office said in a statement. 

The man did not admit his guilt in court.

Information about the convicted person will be entered into the Unified Register of Persons Convicted of Crimes Against Sexual Freedom and Sexual Inviolability of a Minor after the verdict enters into force. 

The verdict has not yet entered into force, the prosecutor's office added. 

У Києві судитимуть чоловіка за зґвалтування падчерки з психічними розладами, яка завагітніла та народила дитину02.10.24, 13:55

Tatiana Kraevskaya

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