
Drone attack on russian oil depot causes fire

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A fire broke out at an oil depot in the nizhny novgorod region of russia after it was attacked by drones.

In russia, an oil depot in the nizhny novgorod region was attacked by drones, which led to a fire in an important automotive vehicle unit. This is reported by the russian media, UNN reports.


Today in the nizhny novgorod region of the russian federation, a fire broke out in an AVT unit, which is key to the operation of the enterprise, due to a drone attack on an oil depot.

According to the information, the incident occurred in the area of the kstovo industrial zone.

No one was injured, the fire is being extinguished.

Зайнялася пожежа на нафтобазі в російському місті орел12.03.24, 02:43

Julia Kotvitskaya



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