
DPRK conducts nuclear drills, simulating a rapid counterattack

 • 23373 переглядiв

North Korea conducted nuclear exercises using multiple launch rocket systems and a nuclear weapons control system to demonstrate the readiness of its nuclear forces for a rapid counterattack.

The DPRK has conducted nuclear exercises, demonstrating the power of its nuclear forces and readiness for a rapid counterattack. This is reported by KCNA, UNN reports.


On April 22, the DPRK conducted nuclear exercises involving ultra-large multiple launch rocket systems and the Heungbangasho nuclear weapons control system.

According to reports, the exercise was aimed at strengthening the defense capabilities of the state nuclear forces and increasing readiness for a rapid counterattack.

However, the main purpose of these exercises is to demonstrate the reliability and power of the DPRK's nuclear force, as well as to improve its quality and quantity. According to official statements, this exercise was a clear warning signal to potential enemies, especially in the context of growing military tensions and provocative actions.

The exercise was led by Kim Jong-un, Secretary General of the Workers' Party of Korea and President of the DPRK's State Affairs Office. He personally led the combined tactical exercises aimed at simulating a nuclear counterattack.

The exercises included training to move to a nuclear counterattack position, performing combat tasks, and firing from ultra-large multiple launch rocket systems with simulated nuclear warheads.

КНДР провела випробування нової зенітної ракети20.04.24, 01:20


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