
Details of the night cotton in the Rostov region of Russia: oil depot with fuel was blown up by SBU drones

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The facility near Tsymlyansk, Rostov region, which stored more than 12,500 cubic meters of gasoline and diesel fuel, was hit by SBU drones, causing a large-scale fire.

The facility near Tsimlyansk, Rostov region, where more than 12,500 cubic meters of gasoline and diesel fuel were stored, was hit by SBU drones,  informed sources told UNN .  


Last night turned out to be a very hot night for the Russian oil depot in the Tsimlyansky district of Rostov region. According to our information, it was the SBU drones that "lit the fire" at the facility, which stored various brands of gasoline and diesel fuel with a total volume of 12,500 cubic meters.

At night, local residents heard an explosion, which was followed by a massive fire. Nearly fifty people and 14 pieces of equipment were used to extinguish the fire, and the fire was assigned the highest difficulty rating.

The SBU drones continue to impose targeted economic sanctions against Russia's energy complex, which is working for the war in Ukraine. More than three dozen successful strikes on Russian oil depots and refineries have already significantly reduced Russia's oil refining and revenues. And these sanctions will only increase

- an informed source said.  

ГУР: розпочата росією війна починає викликати роздратування у регіонах агресора13.07.24, 12:24


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