
"Covers the human rights situation in all TOT of Ukraine": MFA welcomes updated UN General Assembly resolution

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Ukraine's Foreign Ministry welcomed the UN resolution on human rights violations in all Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia, which calls on Russia to stop its aggression and withdraw its troops. The resolution condemns Russia's human rights violations and demands an end to the deportation of children.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine commented on the adoption by the UN General Assembly UN General Assembly resolution "Situation of human rights in the temporarily occupied territories of of Ukraine, including the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol".

This was reported by. UNN with reference to the press service of the department.

The General Assembly has reaffirmed the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and the non-recognition of any changes in the status of Ukrainian territories, including the results of any so-called "elections". We welcome the fact that the status of the territories of Ukraine temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation, including the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, as integral parts of the sovereign territory of Ukraine, remains the principled position of the General Assembly

- the statement reads.


The agency emphasized that this year's document covers the human rights situation in all the temporarily temporarily occupied by Russia in Ukraine. This will ensure increased attention of the UN and and the international community to all crimes and gross violations committed by the Russian occupation authorities against the local population in these territories.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that the resolution condemns Russia's continued disregard for international law in the human rights and international humanitarian law, the illegal detention of of civilian Ukrainian citizens, the use of torture and ill-treatment, discrimination against residents of the temporarily occupied territories.

General Assembly demands that the Russian Federation immediately cease its aggression against Ukraine and withdraw all its armed forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

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Also to stop deportation of Ukrainian children, any change in the status of these children and provide comprehensive information to the relevant UN agencies and international organizations, including including a list of all deported Ukrainian children, including those whose status has been changed, adopted or placed in foster care.

It is noted that the need to take all necessary measures for the safe return of these children to their homeland, and in this context, as the department points out, the issuance of an of the International Criminal Court's arrest warrant for Putin and Lvova-Belova.

The resolution also condemns the seizure of the Zaporizhzhya NPP and its personnel and the creation of permanent risks and threats, primarily unprecedented nuclear and radiation hazards, to the the population of Ukraine, neighboring states and the international community, as well as targeted terrorist attacks with missiles and UAVs against civilian infrastructure; on Ukrainian civilian port infrastructure and grain terminals, the ongoing blockade of Ukrainian ports, as well as threats to use force against civilian and commercial vessels. and merchant vessels, which is causing significant damage to global food security.

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We are grateful to the international community for supporting our country in defending its territorial integrity and sovereignty, human rights and fundamental freedoms. (...) The clear position of the UN member states that supported the resolution will help bring to justice all those involved in gross human rights violations and war crimes and prevent the recurrence of such crimes in the future

 - noted in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine


UNN reported that the UN General Assembly adopted an updated resolutioncondemning Russia's serious human rights violations by Russia in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

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