
Campaigned in colony in support of Russia: convict in Kharkiv received suspicion

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A prisoner of a Kharkiv penal colony was accused of openly supporting the Russian occupiers and calling on other prisoners to do so.

In a penal colony in Kharkiv, a convict was suspected of openly welcoming the actions of the occupiers and calling on other prisoners to support Russia. This was reported by the police of the Kharkiv region, UNN reports.


The police received information that a man born in 1985 openly supported the occupiers in one of the correctional facilities in Kharkiv. He called on other convicts to support the decisions and actions of the aggressor state.

The offender expressed the opinion that Ukraine should be a territory of Russia, supported the temporary occupation of part of the state, and expressed hope that Russia would annex other territory of Ukraine. He wanted to live in Russia and obey its laws.

Currently, the prisoner was served a notice of suspicion under Part 1 Article 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Зрадники, які коригували обстріли по Харкову та Донеччині, проведуть за ґратами 8 та 10 років25.01.24, 17:33

Antonina Tumanova

Crimes and emergencies


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