
Belgium: if the income of Russian assets is attracted to the capital markets, the amount of funds will be greater

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Belgium proposes to use bonds secured by frozen Russian assets to maximize funds for Ukraine, potentially generating much more than the current €3 billion from these assets.

EU leaders agreed to use the proceeds of frozen Russian money for Ukraine. However, Belgium prefers to use bonds backed by the proceeds of the frozen Russian assets, which would maximize the amount of money.

This was reported by Reuters and cited by UNN.


Belgium has expressed its opinion on the way to attract income from the frozen assets of the Russian Federation. Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Kroo considers it appropriate to use bonds secured by the proceeds of frozen Russian assets.

The income that we have is about 3 billion (euros), which is good if you use it, but you can also use it to go to the capital markets and use that as an annual interest payment, and then you can use it and use it and have a much larger volume

- He said.

However, the prime minister admitted on Friday that he has not yet been able to convince his colleagues from the European Union.


At the European summit in Brussels, EU leaders supported a proposal to use the excess profits from frozen Russian assets to support Ukraine. In their opinion, this way it would be possible to finance military aid as well.

Also , UNN reported that some Western banks warned against the EU's plan to use the proceeds of frozen Russian assetsto finance arms for Ukraine, fearing costly lawsuits after sanctions are eased.

Голова МЗС Швеції: ЄС повинен готуватися до "тривалого" конфлікту з росією22.03.24, 13:09


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