
Belgium detains 7 people on suspicion of preparing a terrorist attack

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Belgian police detained 7 people suspected of planning a terrorist attack. They conducted 14 searches in different cities of the country, and the suspects are accused of terrorism and its financing.

Belgian law enforcement officers detained seven people as part of an investigation into the planning of a terrorist attack in the country. As UNN reports, this was reported by VRT.


The federal prosecutor's office announced 14 searches across the country, including in Antwerp, Liège, Kortrijk and Ghent.

As a result of the operation, seven people were detained. The investigating judge will now decide on a measure of restraint.

It is noted that law enforcement officers suspect the detainees of participating in the activities of a terrorist group, financing terrorism and preparing a terrorist attack.

According to the prosecutor's office, the group has not yet identified a specific location for the attack.

Вперше в історії Олімпіади: МОК підтримав проведення Олімпійських ігор з кіберспорту23.07.24, 21:58

Lilia Podolyak



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