
Air alert declared throughout Ukraine due to takeoff of two MiG-31Ks in russia

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russian MiG-31K fighter jets take off from an airfield in russia, prompting an air alert in Ukraine due to a potential missile threat.

An air alert has been declared throughout Ukraine due to the takeoff of russian MiG-31K fighters . This is reported by UNN with reference to the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


Missile danger throughout Ukraine! MiG-31K takeoff from Savasleyka airfield (Nizhny Novgorod region)

- the post reads. 

The Air Force urges Ukrainians not to ignore air raid alerts. 

росіяни атакували Дніпропетровщину, вибухи пролунали в Кам’янському районі - ОВА20.04.24, 11:42


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