
A week of great opportunities: horoscope for all signs of the Zodiac for April 15 - 21

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This week most of us will have many opportunities to realize what we have planned and achieve success in different spheres. In this period it is great to develop any kind of activity, your business, look for new sources of income for yourself

Despite the Mercury retrograde this week most of us will have many opportunities to realize what we have planned and achieve success in different areas. About what to expect this week representatives of each sign of the Zodiac specially for readers UNN told professional astrologer Xenia Basilenko. 

This week's major astrological event will be the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. This is a very favorable conjunction, which will bring all of us many new opportunities for active development in new technologies, in science, will bring great changes in the financial sphere, for example, through digitalization of monetary units.  In this period it is wonderful to develop any kind of activity, your business, to look for new sources of income for yourself

- told the astrologer.

Mercury is now retrograde and will last until April 26.

"It is inherent in all of us to be inattentive during this period, we may be late, there may be problems with traffic. Therefore, it is worth to treat many things with care so as not to make mistakes. Refuse to buy a car now.

But this is a great time to finish all the things you have accumulated. Mercury is retrograde in the sign of Aries, so you should avoid conflicts and disputes, and it is better to calmly finish your accumulated business now," Basilenko said.

According to the astrologer, the first half of the week is a good time to establish relationships with people with whom there have been problems and misunderstandings. Also in the first half of the week you may get brilliant ideas.

The second half of the week will open up great opportunities in love relationships. Suddenly former partners may appear in your life, and it is also a good time to strengthen existing relationships. It is also a great period for creative people. As told by the astrologer, Friday is considered a woman's day and women are advised to dedicate this day to themselves.


This week is one of the best weeks of the year, so you should be active and enterprising. Very interesting and important events can happen to you. Generate your ideas, they can be amazing and promising.

Love adventures are possible in the second half of the week. It's a good time to establish your personal life. The main thing is to believe in yourself. Your efforts will be rewarded, and success will be waiting for you in all areas of life.


This week will bring you great opportunities. Don't miss your chance. You can realize yourself in all spheres of life. It is now that you should realize everything you have planned. You will be able to meet interesting people who will bring you luck and great opportunities. Also you should pay attention to your inner feelings, to understand yourself and your true desires, so that you clearly know what to do.

Great luck awaits you in love. Secret romances are possible.


This week is great for realizing your plans and advancing the projects you have started. It is now that interesting opportunities may come to you, you will feel the support of loved ones and your friends. You can surround yourself with interesting people, create a strong team, find new staff. This is a great period for the realization of creative projects.

Luck awaits you in love, and a strong friendship can grow into love.


It is the right time to realize all your ambitious plans. You will feel the support of your management, which will promote you on the career ladder. This is an excellent period to finalize all previously started cases. You may also have new opportunities and offers that are better not to miss. Monday you will be very emotional, try to avoid scandals and mistakes.


In the first half of the week you need to watch your emotionality so that you don't make big mistakes. But the whole week will be very bright and intense - you can get interesting offers, especially from abroad. You can also realize all your plans, as you will be very supported by your management. Long-distance trips and interesting travels may be waiting for you.

In love, good fortune may await you, especially if it will be related to foreign countries.


This week will be full of very bright and important events for you, and you will have to make quick decisions. But remember Mercury retrograde - you should think things through. This is the time when you can close many legal issues or matters concerning your taxes and debts. You should be careful with your emotions, especially on Friday and Saturday, so that you don't make big mistakes.

It will be difficult for you to avoid passionate romances this week.


This week everything can work out very well for you if you show your true nature of the sign of Libra - it is diplomacy and the ability to negotiate with your surroundings. You will be able to solve many legal issues, sign documents that are important to you. And also you can close for yourself many long-standing conflicts, because it is now that you will be able to find an approach even to the most difficult situations and people. On Sunday, you should avoid acute situations and take care of your nervous system.


This week you are given great opportunities in any business sphere. You can show your professionalism, find new methods of earning money, establish relationships in a team. It is now that you need to learn something new, such as learning new technologies. Avoid conflicts with your partners, both in business and in marriage.

You will also have good luck in love, office romances are possible.


Use this week for quality rest and recovery of your strength. A good decision will be to go on some trip, traveling.

This is a particularly favorable time for your personal life. You may be waiting for a bright beautiful novel, and you can establish already established relationships in the family, you may return to you exes. In business life you will also have success in all endeavors.


It's a great week for solving all domestic issues and for establishing relationships with your close relatives. Don't rush into buying an apartment or a house because of Mercury retrograde. It is a good time to put things in order and solve all domestic issues. Now you also have a favorable period for you to regenerate the most interesting ideas for your future. Also great luck in love awaits you.


This week will bring you a lot of original ideas, meetings and acquaintances with interesting people who can have great opportunities and at the same time provide them to you. It is at this time that you can close a lot of accumulated cases and conflicts. In the second half of the week you may feel emotionally very tense. Try to focus on your plans and act more calmly and clearly.


This week can bring good financial opportunities, you can meet people who can support your ideas and invest in your projects, you can be offered any kind of help. It is at this time that you can come up with new sources of income. But, you may feel very strong emotional tension in the second half of the week. You should beware of your negative emotions, otherwise they can lead to big mistakes and worsen your well-being.

Lilia Podolyak



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