
A retired colonel who passed on the location of military facilities to the Wagnerites was sentenced to 15 years in prison

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A retired Ukrainian colonel who provided Russia with information on the locations of Ukrainian military personnel was sentenced to 15 years for espionage.

A retired colonel who served in favor of the Russians and betrayed the location of military facilities and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the enemy has been sentenced in Zhytomyr region. According to the SBU, the spy was sentenced to 15 years in prison, UNN reports.

Based on SBU materials, an enemy agent who spied for Russia in Zhytomyr region will spend 15 years behind bars. ... Based on the evidence collected, the court found the defendant guilty under Part 2 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

- the SBU press service said.


According to the investigation, the Russian agent was the former deputy chief of staff of one of the tank armies of the former USSR, who retired in the early 1990s.

SBU investigators found that the retired officer was recruited by Russia in September 2022. The Russians gave him the pseudonym "Snarov" and instructed him to collect intelligence. In particular, it is known that he focused on training centers and training grounds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the SBU facilities.

In addition, the attacker tried to collect as much personal data as possible from military personnel, law enforcement officers, and representatives of local governments. The enemy needed this information to select potential candidates for recruitment and expansion of its own agent network.

He transmitted all this data via the banned social network Vkontakte.

15 років тюрми отримав зрадник, який захоплював будівлю СБУ в Маріуполі25.12.23, 13:38


After the detention of the defendant in March 2023, the court imposed on him a pre-trial restraint in the form of detention with the right to be released on bail in excess of UAH 200 thousand.

The next day, the agent posted bail and was released from custody. He then tried to flee to Belarus, but was detained by SBU officers 300 meters from the border.

During the search, a large amount of cash and a notebook with intelligence information about Ukrainian troops were seized from the offender.

Херсонського депутата Ігоря Семенчева-старшого визнали винним у колабораціонізмі08.01.24, 18:24


Earlier UNN wrote about this traitor. According to the prosecutor's office, for ideological reasons, he established contact with a representative of the Wagner military industrial complex through his social media account to cooperate with enemy intelligence.

Tatiana Salganik



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