
A minibus fell into a chasm in Kyiv region: 2 dead, 7 hospitalized

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A minibus carrying 9 passengers fell into an abyss near the village of Oliva in Kyiv region, killing 2 people and hospitalizing 7.

A minibus carrying 9 passengers fell into an abyss near the village of Oliva in Kyiv region, killing 2 people and hospitalizing 7, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine reported on Monday, UNN reports.


"In the Kyiv region, a minibus fell into a chasm, rescuers unblocked the bodies of the victims," the State Emergency Service reported on social media.

The road accident reportedly occurred today near the village of Oliva, Ivankiv territorial community. "The minibus was heading to the village of Piskivka and fell into a chasm. There were 9 passengers in the cabin," the agency said.

"During the rescue operations, the SES found two dead. Seven people were hospitalized," the SES reported.

The details of the event are being established.

Хотів обігнати: на Київщині під час ДТП перекинувся легковик, двоє постраждалих08.04.24, 16:09


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