
A family that provided medical care to a wounded woman during the occupation of Bucha was shot dead: Russian military is served with a notice of suspicion

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A Russian lieutenant colonel from Kursk was served a notice of suspicion for the shooting of a family that provided medical care to a wounded woman during the occupation of Bucha.

National Police investigators have served a notice of suspicion to a Russian soldier who shot a family that provided medical care to a wounded woman during the occupation of Bucha. This was reported by the press service of the National Police of Ukraine, UNN reports .

the Russian military deployed their self-propelled artillery systems near the residential complex "Continent" from where they shelled the city of Irpin and one day wounded a 24-year-old local woman in the leg,

- the statement said.


It is noted that the Russians brought the wounded woman to the territory of a private house near their location and left her there. When the owner of the house began to provide first aid to the victim, an armed Russian artillery commander broke into the yard and shot both women and the owner of the house, who came out of the house to hear the wounded woman's screams.

All three local residents died on the spot from their injuries.

National Police investigators identified the perpetrator as a 41-year-old lieutenant colonel from Kursk, commander of the self-propelled artillery battalion of the 234th regiment of the military unit No. 74268 of the 76th Air Assault Division.

Under the procedural supervision of the Prosecutor General's Office, he was served a notice of suspicion of violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The defendant faces fifteen years in prison or life imprisonment.


Four Russian servicemen were notified in absentia of suspicion of torturing civilians in the occupied districts of Kyiv region in violation of the laws and customs of war.


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