
A child from a Ukrainian family died in Poland: the cause of death is being investigated

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A three-year-old Ukrainian child has been found dead in a house in Wierzbinki, Poland, and authorities are investigating the cause of death.

The body of a three-year-old child was found in a house in Wierzbinko in the Wielkopolska province in western Poland. The deceased boy and his parents are citizens of Ukraine, the local prosecutor's office said, UNN reports citing RMF24.


The child's parents were in the house and notified the services this morning upon waking up.

A spokeswoman for the Konin district prosecutor's office, prosecutor Eva Voznyak, told PAP that both the dead boy and his parents were Ukrainian citizens.

"The condition of the body does not indicate the involvement of third parties in the child's death, but it does not allow us to exclude such involvement," she said.

Junior Inspector Andrzej Borowiak of the Wielkopolska Police told RMF FM that an autopsy would be conducted to determine the cause of the child's death.

"We don't know much at the moment, we are waiting for the doctors' conclusions", - the officer added.

У Польщі під час ДТП загинули троє українців31.12.23, 23:35


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