
A case of dirofilariasis was recorded in Vinnytsia region: what is important to know

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A case of dirofilariasis, a parasitic disease caused by helminths, has been confirmed in Vinnytsia Oblast. The disease is transmitted through insect bites, most often mosquitoes, and requires surgical intervention.

A case of dirofilariasis, a disease caused by worms, has been confirmed in Vinnytsia region. This was announced on July 23 by the Vinnytsia  Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, UNN reports. 

"A case of dirofilariasis in a patient was confirmed in the laboratory of the Vinnytsia Regional Center for Public Health," the center said on Facebook. 

Dirofilariasis  is a parasitic disease caused by helminths of the genus Dirofilaria.  Dirofilariasis is most often reported as a naturally occurring focal helminthiasis among domestic animals (dogs, cats) and predators. Humans usually develop subcutaneous heartworm disease.

As noted, in recent years, Ukraine has seen a steady upward trend in the incidence of heartworm disease. The high susceptibility and lack of specific prevention lead to a dangerous trend of rapid spread of this helminthiasis.

У МОЗ пояснили, коли потрібна екстрена вакцинація 23.07.24, 15:18

Humans do not become infected directly from dogs and cats. The only way to become infected is by being bitten by a contagious insect, usually a mosquito, which has sucked on the blood of an infected animal.

The incubation period of the infection can last from 1 month to 2 years. The clinic of the disease is determined by the localization of the worm. 

It is reported that the helminth D. Repens, which is registered on the territory of Ukraine,  is localized more often in subcutaneous tissue, connective tissue of various parts of the body, conjunctiva and other tissues of the eye, genitals (scrotum, testicle), mammary glands, and less often in the membranes of human abdominal tissues and organs.

Treatment of dirofilariasis in most cases requires surgical intervention. 

На Чернігівщині у жінки виявили лептоспіроз: що відомо20.07.24, 16:33

Prevention of dirofilariasis includes:

- monitoring the health of pets and protecting them from insects;

- timely detection and treatment of animals with dirofilariosis as a source of the disease;

- treatment and dispensary supervision (up to 3 months);

- use of personal protective equipment against insects by the population;

- reducing the entry of mosquitoes indoors (netting windows and doors) and controlling mosquitoes in the basements of residential buildings, from where they can enter apartments through the ventilation system.

In the Vinnytsia region, one case of heartworm was reported in 2020 and 2021, and two cases in 2022 and 2023. This year, one case was reported: the nematode was removed from under the skin above the left eyebrow.

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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