
Zelensky signs law on mobilization

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President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed a law on mobilization in Ukraine.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed a law on mobilization, according to the website of the parliament, UNN reports.


"16.04.2024 - returned with the signature of the President of Ukraine," the document's status report reads.


The Verkhovna Rada has approved a draft law on mobilization that introduces various provisions, including the obligation of persons with disabilities to undergo a second medical examination after February 24, 2022, restrictions on driving for those who evade military service, and the need to carry military registration documents.

Закон про мобілізацію ухвалено: основні положення й коли почнуть діяти нові правила11.04.24, 11:21


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