
You can find out what will change in the school through the School Offline hotline

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The Ministry of Education is opening a hotline to inform people about the return to full-time education. Call 1545 to find out about forms of education, education of displaced children and other issues.

The “Schools Offline” hotline is being launched to inform about educational policy in the context of returning students to full-time education. UNN reports with reference to the Telegram channel of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.


For more details on topics such as:

Form of study in the new year;

Education of displaced children and those living abroad;

Восени у Житомирі хочуть запровадити шестиденний навчальний тиждень для школярів 30.07.24, 20:55

And also: about distance learning; or studying in the TOT;

Various questions about the work of teachers, etc

All of the above can be found through the School Offline hotline.

To make a call, dial 1545, then select the “5” button. Then ask for the operator.


Working hours according to the official announcement, from Monday to Thursday, from 9:00 to 17:00; Friday, shortened day: 9:00-16:00.

Українські школярі відстають від освітньої програми на два роки - Лісовий29.07.24, 21:16


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