
We urge everyone to help street animals in this heat and leave water for them in accessible places - UAnimals

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Animal rights activists call for leaving water for street animals in accessible places to help them cope with the intense heat.

Animal rights activists call on all concerned to help street animals in this heat and leave water for them in accessible places. They also support the initiative of Brovary, where water bowls with water for animals have been set up in many parts of the city. This was reported by Olga Chevganyuk, a representative of the UAnimals movement, in a comment to UNN.


"We urge everyone to leave water for the animals, because, in fact, in terms of hiding somewhere, the animals are doing fine: they find some basements, other cool places. But what they cannot do is find water, and this is a problem for animals in this weather - fresh drinking water. That is why we encourage everyone to bring a bottle of drinking water and a plate and leave it for the animals," noted Olga Chevganyuk.

She added that animals can become ill from such heat. This manifests itself in lethargy, rapid breathing and high body temperature. With such symptoms, you should put the animal in a cool place, pour cold water on the abdomen and groin, and put a towel on the head. And, of course, call a veterinarian or take the animal to a veterinary clinic.

Olha Chevhanyuk also praised the fact that in Brovary, at the initiative of the city authorities, water bowls for animals were placed in many parts of the city. 

"This is a good initiative, we approve of it. If organizations or government agencies want to do this at the local level, we will absolutely support it," said a representative of the UAnimals movement.


In Brovary, communal services set up water bowls for animals to help them suffer less from the heat.

"I am grateful to the employees of Brovary-Blagoustrii for the initiative and installation of water bowls for street animals in parks, squares and some adjacent areas. We hope for the sensitivity and consciousness of our residents. Perhaps this drop of water will be a lifesaver for those who cannot take care of themselves," said Brovary Mayor Ihor Sapozhko.

Zakhar Podkidyshev



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