
Venezuela breaks off diplomatic relations with Peru

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Venezuela has announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Peru after Lima recognized opposition candidate González Urrutia as president. The Venezuelan Foreign Minister called the decision a response to Peru's 'reckless statements'.

Venezuela has announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Peru after Lima recognized opposition candidate Gonzalez Urrutia as president-elect, UNN reports, citing AFP and a statement by Venezuela's Foreign Minister.


"The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has decided to sever diplomatic relations with the Republic of Peru. (...) We are forced to take this decision after the reckless statements of the Peruvian Foreign Minister, which ignore the will of the Venezuelan people and our Constitution," Venezuelan Foreign Minister Ivan Gil said on the social network X.

According to AFP, Venezuela broke off diplomatic relations with Peru after Lima recognized Edmund González Urrutia as the "elected president" despite the fact that incumbent President Nicolas Maduro was declared the winner by the National Electoral Council.

Вибори в Венесуелі: Мадуро вкотре оголошено переможцем, опозиція заявляє про невизнання результатів29.07.24, 09:59

Julia Shramko

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