
Ukraine invites Polish PM Tusk to visit Kyiv in the near future - media

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Poland's newly elected prime minister is considering a visit to Kyiv amid talks with Ukraine. At the same time, Tusk's first meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy may take place in Brussels this week.

Poland is considering Ukraine's offer to newly elected Prime Minister Donald Tusk to make one of his first foreign visits to Kyiv. This is reported by the Polish edition Onet, according to UNN.


According to the the Ukrainian authorities have been negotiating for some time now about organizing a trip to Kyiv for Prime Minister and leader of the Civic Platform party Donald Tusk during one of his of his first foreign visits. This information was confirmed by journalists confirmed this information in several sources, including Ukrainian ones. According to sources, the new head of the Polish government's of the new Polish government to the Ukrainian capital is quite likely. likely.

This is a logistically difficult task: sixteen hours of driving one way, sixteen hours the other. But Polish and Western politicians regularly travel to Kyiv, so the road is well-traveled. Such a visit would be natural

One of the Civic Platform politicians told the publication.

For the first time since Tusk was elected Prime Minister, Volodymyr Zelenskyy may meet with him this week, during a visit to Brussels. Tusk will fly to Brussels on Wednesday, after taking the oath of office at the presidential palace. However, his conversation with Zelenskyy has not yet been confirmed.

Tusk and Zelenskiy have met several times when the former was still president of the European Council. У 2019 Tusk was in Ukraine, and together with Zelenskyy, they visited Donbas and traveled to Stanytsia Luhanska.

To recap,

on December 11, Donald Tusk was elected as the new Prime Minister of Poland. 248 members of the Sejm voted "in favor and 201 against. The first to congratulate him was with the victory was the President of the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen was the first to congratulate him on his victory.

SEE ALSO: Donald Tusk is named the most powerful man in Europe according to Politico

Anastasia Ryabokon



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