
The US Senate introduced a bill on the confiscation of Russian assets to help Ukraine: Shmygal reacted

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A bipartisan bill introduced in the US Congress aims to allow the Justice Department to quickly seize the assets of Russian oligarchs, and the proceeds from them will go to help rebuild Ukraine

a bill has been submitted to the US Congress on the seizure of assets in favor of the restoration of Ukraine (the Asset Seizure for Ukraine Reconstruction Act), Senator Sheldon Whitehouse reported on the website, writes UNN.

Senators Sheldon Whitehouse and Lindsey Graham, along with members of the House of Representatives Joe Wilson and Steve Cohen, introduced a bipartisan bicameral asset seizure act to відновлення restore Ukraine

- it is reported on the website of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse.

the bill will allow the US Department of justice to quickly confiscate valuable assets belonging to sanctioned Russian oligarchs through existing administrative confiscation procedures and transfer the proceeds from these assets to Ukraine.

" Putin and his oligarch henchmen launder their dirty money by buying superyachts, priceless works of art, and other valuable assets in countries with the rule of law. We must close the safe haven of the oligarchs ' wealth and punish those who support Putin," Senator Whitehouse said.

Read also: presidential adviser tells which of the frozen Russian assets Ukraine can get faster

Ukraine's reaction

Prime Minister Denis Shmygal commented on the introduction of a bill on the seizure of Russian assets in favor of restoring Ukraine.

among its co-authors are both Democrats and Republicans. the bill will give the US Department of justice the necessary tools to quickly confiscate the assets of sanctioned Russian oligarchs. The proceeds from these assets will be transferred to Ukraine for our sustainability and recovery. We hope that this initiative will be adopted as soon as possible

- Shmygal wrote in Telegram.

he called this another step towards the confiscation of frozen Russian assets and pointed out that work is underway to ensure that all Russian money frozen in the West, in particular sovereign assets, is confiscated in favor of Ukraine.


in May 2023, the United States approved the first-ever transfer of confiscated Russian assets for the needs of Ukraine.


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