
The Ministry of Justice has ruled that the new rules for admission to postgraduate programs

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The Ministry of Justice has recognized the new rules for postgraduate studies introduced by the Ministry of Education for 2024 as legal. This decision was made following an appeal from the State Regulatory Service regarding a possible violation of the right to education.

The Ministry of Education changes the rules for admission to graduate school in 2024 The Ministry of Education changes the rules for admission to graduate school in 2024, which were introduced this year by the Ministry of Education, are legal. This was reported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, UNN reports.


The day before, the State Regulatory Service sent a letter to the Ministry of Justice asking it to review the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science to cancel the admission to full-time postgraduate studies under contract and temporary restrictions on transfers and renewals and cancel them.

The head of the Verkhovna Rada Subcommittee on Higher Education, Yulia Hryshyna, distributed the text of the letter from the SRS. According to it, the regulator was approached by several civil society organizations that accused the Ministry of Education and Science of exceeding its authority and violating the Constitution. They argued that the new rules for admission to graduate school would lead to an outflow of young scientists to foreign institutions, loss of extra-budgetary funding for higher education institutions, and forced dismissal of teachers.

The State Regulatory Service stated that the orders of the Ministry of Education violate several international treaties and agreements ratified by Ukraine and the fundamental rights to education, non-discrimination, and proportionality of restrictions under the state of emergency.

The Ministry of Justice has reviewed the document and confirmed the legality and validity of this year's changes to postgraduate admission. Thus, there are no circumstances or grounds for canceling the decisions of the Ministry of Education and Science. The Ministry of Justice has already sent this conclusion to the State Regulatory Service.

У МОН розповіли про нові правила вступу до аспірантури24.06.24, 20:49


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