
The leadership of Lviv Polytechnic wanted to discuss with Farion the issue of her dismissal, she ignored calls – MP

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Iryna Farion manipulates information that no one allegedly warned her about her dismissal from Lviv Polytechnic.

The management of Lviv Polytechnic wanted to discuss with Irina Farion questions her dismissal. However, exnardepka ignored the calls. About this was explained by the MP, a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science and innovation Yulia Grishina, writes UNN.


"Interestingly, Farion's words that no one was with her I discussed the situation before the final decision — just manipulation. Guide I called Irina several times to discuss this issue with her. However, Farion she ignored the calls and presented it as if she hadn't even been bothered inform in person, " wrote Grishina in Telegram.

the MP added that Farion was finally released from Lviv polytechnics. The disappearance of a message about dismissal from the page in social networks is easy technical point.


scandalous ex-MP, against which the Security Service opened criminal proceedings on a number of articles, according to the news of "Lviv polytechnics " of November 15, was dismissed from his post.

it also became known that the National Council appointed an audit TV Channel "5" because of the scandalous statements of ex-MP Irina Farion about Russian-speaking military personnel in the program"rendezvous with Yanina Sokolova".

Zakhar Podkidyshev



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