
Terrorist attack in Crocus near Moscow: Russia makes another statement about the "Ukrainian trace"

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Russian investigators claim to have detained another suspect in the Crocus City terrorist attack, claiming that the attackers allegedly received money and cryptocurrency from Ukraine to finance the crime, although the United States denies Ukraine's involvement and has not provided any evidence.

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation announced the detention of another suspect in the case of the terrorist attack in the Crocus, and that the attackers allegedly received money from Ukraine, UNN reports with reference to the Russian media.

According to the Russian Federal Security Service, the detainee, whose name has not been disclosed, allegedly participated in a terrorist financing scheme.

В Держдепі США назвали "категорично неправдивими" заяви росії про причетність України та Заходу до стрілянини в "Крокусі"28.03.24, 12:30

In addition, according to the Russian Federation, the investigation allegedly managed to obtain "confirmed data on the receipt by the perpetrators of the terrorist attack of significant amounts of money and cryptocurrency from Ukraine, which were used to prepare the crime.

Буданов: "Про підготовку теракту в "Крокус Сіті" росія точно знала з 15 лютого"27.03.24, 21:16

"As a result of work with the detained terrorists, examination of the technical devices seized from them, and analysis of information on financial transactions, evidence of their connection with Ukrainian nationalists was obtained," the Russian Federation's security service added.

кремль намагається вигадати зв'язки України із ІДІЛ, щоб перекласти на неї відповідальність за стрілянину в "Крокусі" - Центр протидії дезінформації26.03.24, 15:37

At the same time, no evidence of a "Ukrainian trace" in the terrorist attack was presented in the Russian Federation.


On March 23, the Russian Federal Security Service announced the detention of 11 people as part of a criminal investigation into the terrorist attack. Four of them, according to the investigation, are direct perpetrators of the crime, and three others are accused of helping the terrorists with an apartment and a car. No information has been provided about the others.


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