
Standard for primary music education approved: emphasis on deeper study of Ukrainian heritage

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The Ministry of Culture has approved a new standard of primary music education for music lyceums. The standard is aimed at a deeper study of Ukrainian musical heritage and a change in approaches to the formation of musical competencies.

Ukraine has approved a standard for primary music education that will be used by music lyceums. One of the key features of the standard is the focus of the content on a deeper study of the Ukrainian musical heritage. This was announced on Tuesday by the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy, UNN reports.


"On July 29, the Ministry of Education and Science approved the Standard of Primary Music Education, which is obtained simultaneously with primary and basic secondary education (1-9 years of study), according to which music lyceums will work," the ministry said.

They emphasized that the ICIP continues to update the content of art education.

The standard was reportedly developed by a working group and is focused not only on current trends in education in general, but also in music education in particular. It is noted that the "vast majority of comments and suggestions" during the public discussion were taken into account.

"Since the standard covers the years of study of young musicians from the very beginning of their entry into the future profession, the key to the standard was to focus the content on a deeper study of the Ukrainian musical heritage and change approaches to the formation of musical-theoretical and musical-historical competencies while preserving the traditions of forming performance competencies," the Ministry of Culture said.

The standard contains mandatory learning outcomes to be achieved by students of music lyceums and a list of mandatory educational components that graduates of such lyceums must pass to complete the relevant educational program, and will also serve as the basis for the development of a Model Educational Program covering the first and second levels of the National Qualifications Framework.

Політику української ідентичності закріпили на рівні державної програми - Мінмолодьспорту30.07.24, 14:38

Julia Shramko



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