
Shmygal met with the Vatican Secretary of State: they discussed peacemaking and the return of prisoners and Ukrainian children

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The Prime Minister of Ukraine met with Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin in Kyiv. They discussed the establishment of peace, the return of prisoners and Ukrainian children, and the restoration of medical infrastructure.

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal met with Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, who arrived in Kyiv. Shmyhal and Parolin discussed the establishment of a just peace for Ukraine, the return of prisoners and Ukrainian children, and the restoration of medical infrastructure in Ukraine. Shmyhal wrote about this in his Telegram channel, UNN reports.


I am pleased to welcome Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of the Holy See, to Kyiv. His visit to Ukraine and his visits to Ukrainian cities during the war unleashed by Russia are evidence of the high level of attention to our country

- Shmyhal wrote.

According to the Prime Minister, they discussed the establishment of a just peace for Ukraine, food security, the return of prisoners and Ukrainian children. In this context, Shmyhal thanked the Holy See for participating in the First Peace Summit and supporting its decisions.

Обговорили обмін військовополоненими та повернення загиблих українських захисників: Садовий зустрівся з держсекретарем Ватикану19.07.24, 20:58

The prime minister also said that Ukraine highly appreciates the provision of humanitarian aid and active participation in the process of returning deported Ukrainian children and prisoners. Shmyhal thanked for the assistance in the treatment of Ukrainian children who became victims of the Russian war of aggression.

"We are also counting on the participation and assistance of the Holy See in the restoration of medical infrastructure in Ukraine," the prime minister added.

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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