
"Sandu's regime" and "artificial de-Russification": Russia made a series of threatening statements against Moldova

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Russia has criticized Moldova's new bill to abolish the mandatory translation of laws into Russian, accusing Moldova of allegedly "severing ties with Russia.

Russia has reacted to a new bill in Moldova that abolishes the mandatory translation of legislative acts into Russian, saying that it is aimed at "completely severing ties with Russia." This is stated in the commentary of the spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, UNN reports.

"The Sandu regime is taking steps to completely sever ties with Russia. The interests of Moldovans, who maintain close business, humanitarian and personal contacts with partners in different regions of our country, are not taken into account," Zaharova said.

According to her, the Moldovan authorities are pursuing a policy of "pre-sale Eurotuning.

"Це привід уважніше слідкувати за діями росії": у МЗС відповіли на звинувачення рф щодо можливого підриву Київської ГЕС Україною 12.07.24, 19:38

"The artificial de-Russification of Moldova continues. On July 5, a bill was registered in its parliament that abolishes the mandatory translation of legislative acts into Russian. Thus, Russian-speaking citizens are put in the position of second-class citizens. I would like to remind you that 80% of Moldovans speak Russian to some extent and use it in everyday life," she added.

In conclusion, Zakharova added that Russia has always been in favor of "an equal and mutually respectful dialogue with the Republic of Moldova.


The Russian Federation constantly accuses Ukraine of allegedly "forced de-Russification", and moreover, one of the justifications for the aggression is "protecting the interests of Russian speakers". It should be noted that the legally elected government of Ukraine is referred to in Russia as the "Kyiv regime.


Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, and Romania reaffirmed their unity and support in the fight against Russian aggression and strengthening European security during a meeting of foreign ministers in Chisinau.

Iryna Kolesnik

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