
Russia's attack on Kyiv on July 8: a conclusion on whether the damaged building can be restored is promised in two weeks

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A special commission has begun inspecting a residential building in Kyiv's Syrets district, where 13 people, including 5 children, were killed by a Russian missile strike on July 8, to assess the possibility of its reconstruction.

A special commission has started working in Kyiv to examine the residential building in Syarka damaged by a Russian missile on July 8, where 13 people died, and in 2 weeks it should be able to conclude whether the building can be restored, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said, as quoted by KCSA, UNN reports.


"A special commission set up by the city to examine the residential building in Syrka that was damaged by a Russian missile on July 8 has started working. Today we held a meeting on the spot. In 2 weeks, the experts are to make technical conclusions on the possibility of restoring the house, where the entrance was destroyed and 13 people, including 5 children, were killed. This is the largest number of people killed by Russia in one residential building in the capital since the beginning of the large-scale war," Klitschko emphasized.

It is reported that one entrance of the building was completely destroyed and other entrances and nearby buildings were significantly damaged. In particular, the school building was damaged.

The mayor of the capital noted that the city is providing all the necessary assistance to the displaced residents of this and the neighboring houses (about 100 people in total).

According to KCSA, a total of 129 buildings in the city of various forms of ownership were damaged and destroyed.

Внаслідок останнього масованого удару рф в Києві загинуло 33 людини, ще 125 пораненні - ДСНС11.07.24, 13:17


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