
russian troops advanced in the area of Netailovo and Andreevka-DeepState

 • 33902 переглядiв

According to the Deep State report, enemy troops advanced in the area of the settlements of Netailovo and Andreevka.

On the front line, the occupation forces advanced near Netailovo and Andreevka. This is reported by Deep State, reports UNN.

The enemy advanced near Netailovo and Andreevka

- глибинний стан.


According to the General Staff, enemy forces continue to try to break through the Ukrainian defense in the Pokrovsky direction. During the day, russian troops carried out 9 attacks from the area of the village of Ocheretino. In total, 23 military clashes took place in this direction.

DeepState: рф просунулася біля Уманського та в Старомайорському29.05.24, 01:37

Julia Kotvitskaya



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