
Russian authorities claim that the detainees allegedly named the masterminds of the attack in Crocus

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Four of the perpetrators of the Crocus attack were charged, confessed and named their customers and accomplices, which led to three more arrests for providing cars, apartments and money, the Russian Federation's security service said.

The head of Russia's Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, said during a meeting on the Crocus terrorist attack that the detainees had allegedly named the customers, UNN reports citing RosZmі.

"Four perpetrators have been charged. All of them pleaded guilty during interrogation and in court and gave detailed testimony about the customers and persons who assisted them. As a result, three more people were detained who provided the perpetrators with a car, an apartment and money," Bastrykin said.

путін звинуватив радикальних ісламістів у теракті в "Крокусі", але без натякнув на "причетність" Києва не обійшлося25.03.24, 20:29

However, the head of the Russian Federation's Security Service did not provide any more information about the "customers".


According to Bastrykin, the investigation established a complete chronology of events around Crocus City Hall.

США заявили про відсутність ознак участі України в жахливій атаці на "Крокус Сіті Холл"22.03.24, 21:57

"The terrorists arrived at Crocus City Hall at 19:58 and left the building at 20:11. They were carrying two AK-74s, over 500 rounds of ammunition, 28 magazines and bottles with gasoline residue. The three arrested accomplices of the terrorists who staged the attack in Crocus today provided them with an apartment and a car, as well as transported money," said the head of the Russian Federal Security Service.

В ОП заявили, що Україна не має стосунку до стрілянини у підмосковному "Крокус Сіті Холл"22.03.24, 21:26

In addition, according to him, more than 200 inspections and excavations have been conducted in the case of the Crocus terrorist attack, and items of relevance to the investigation have been seized.


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