
russia suffers losses: 1260 personnel and 10 pieces of military equipment were killed in one day

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Over the past day, russia lost 1260 personnel. This was reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, UNN reports.


russian combat losses for the period from 02/24/22 to 07/06/24:

- Personnel: 549840 (+1260).

- Tanks: 8153 (+11).

- Armored combat vehicles: 15629 (+18).

- Artillery systems: 14897 (+66).

- RSVP: 1115.

- Air defense means: 878.

- Airplanes: 360.

- Helicopters: 326.

- UAVs of operational and tactical level: 11809 (+58).

- Cruise missiles: 2351 (+9).

- Ships/boats: 28.

- Submarines: 1.

- Automotive equipment and tank trucks: 20053 (+76).

- Special equipment: 2479 (+6).

Генштаб: на фронті відбулося 119 боєзіткнень. Найгарячішою залишалася ситуація на Покровському напрямку05.07.24, 23:54

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Julia Kotwicka



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