
russia has classified statistics that allowed determining the number of soldiers killed in the war in Ukraine

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In order to conceal the losses of manpower in the war in Ukraine, russia excluded from its annual statistics data on mortality from external causes, which allowed for the analysis of military losses.

The federal state statistics service has removed data on the total number of deaths and mortality from external causes from the publication of its annual statistics. UNN writes about this with reference to the russian media, which quotes demographer Alexei Raksha.


The demographer said that in the new rosstat collection on the natural movement of the population of the russian federation there are no two tables that reflected information on the total number of deaths from external causes and information on mortality from external causes in the subjects of the russian federation. In addition, in the table on deaths by age, the cause of death was replaced by the level of education.

It is noted that external causes in rosstat statistics include murders, suicides, and deaths in road accidents. After the russian invasion of Ukraine, journalists used this data to estimate the losses of the russian army during the war.


According to Western media estimates, russian manpower losses during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine range from 462 to 728 thousand soldiers as of mid-June 2024. This is significantly higher than the number of troops involved in February 2022. According to estimates by Mediaport and the BBC, the russian army's losses amount to more than 58 thousand people. For their part, Medusa researchers estimated russian losses at 120 thousand soldiers.

At the same time, British intelligence believesthat over the past two months, russia has probably lost more than 70,000 soldiers in killed and wounded, with daily losses in May and June amounting to about 1,200 killed and 1,100 wounded.

Аргесор зазнає втрат: 1110 чоловік особового складу, 11 танків, 9 бронемашин втрачено за добу17.07.24, 07:22

Anastasia Ryabokon



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