
russia attacks various communities in Sumy region with mortars, aircraft and artillery: 50 explosions recorded

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Occupants made 12 attacks and caused 50 explosions in Sumy region, shelling several settlements with artillery, mortars and aircraft.

During the day, the occupants fired 12 times at the border areas and settlements of Sumy region.

This was reported by the Sumy Regional Military Administration, according to UNN.


According to the information, 12 hostile attacks and 50 explosions were recorded in Sumy region over the last day.

Velykopysarivska community: russian federation launched a mortar attack (17 explosions) and conducted  NRA airstrikes (6 explosions).

Krasnopilska community: enemy troops dropped an explosive device from a UAV (1 explosion) and shelled with artillery (6 explosions)

Bilopilska community: the occupants carried out air strikes on NAR (8 explosions) and KAB (3 explosions) and fired artillery (8 explosions).


Over the past day, the terrorist country fired 31 times at the border areas and settlements of Sumy region of Ukraine. As a result, 115 explosions from artillery, mortars, kamikaze drones and air strikes were recorded.

Ворожі війська обстрілюють Сумщину: 31 обстріл та 115 вибухів за добу23.03.24, 23:44

Julia Kotvitskaya



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