
Russia advances near Syinkivka, Yevhenivka and continues pressure on New York city center - DeepState

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According to DeepState, on the front line, enemy forces have advanced near Synkivka and Yevhenivka and continue to push toward the center of New York.

On the frontline, terrorists have advanced near Sinkivka and Yevhenivka and continue to press towards the center of New York. This is reported by DeepState, according to UNN.

Enemy advances near Synkivka, Yevhenivka and continues pressure towards the center of New York

- DeepState.


According to the General Staff, in the Kupyansk sector, the invaders attacked the Ukrainian Armed Forces 10 times. The defenders successfully repelled 5 assaults near the settlements of Berestove and Pishchane. At the time of reporting, 4 firefights were ongoing in the vicinity of Syinkivka.

Генштаб: на фронті відбулося 128 боєзіткнень. Найбільш інтенсивно атакував ворог на Покровському напрямку10.07.24, 00:04


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