
Romania has not imported Ukrainian agricultural products for the last six months - media

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Romania has halted imports of Ukrainian agricultural products, including key crops, for the past six months due to an emergency decree requiring import permits from economic operators registered in Romania.

Romania did not import agricultural products, in particular wheat, corn, rapeseed, and sunflower from Ukraine during the last six months. Euractiv writes about this with reference to to the data on registered customs operations of the Romanian Customs Service, UNN reports


It is noted that in 2022 Romania imported more than 20 times more Ukrainian agri-food products than in the previous year. However, the country's government has restricted imports from Ukraine and Moldova.

In response to the Commission's decision not to extend the ban on imports of Ukrainian grain, the Romanian government In October, the Romanian government adopted an emergency decree to regulate imports of of agricultural products from Ukraine and Moldova.

According to this decree, wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower can be imported from Ukraine only with authorization from economic operators that have registered offices and workplaces in Romania.

Despite the fact that the decree entered into force on October 13, the Romanian Customs Service has not October, the Romanian Customs Service did not record any imports of original agricultural products from Ukraine of original agricultural products from Ukraine between September 16 and October 13, or from then until now 

- the agency reported.

It is noted that the emergency decree is valid until December 31 December 31, 2023.

In a conversation with Euractiv, the European Commission expressed concerns about national bans on imports of Ukrainian grain in Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

As a reminder, on September 15, the European Commission decided not to extend the banon imports of Ukrainian grain. on the import of Ukrainian grain, provided that Ukraine complies with certain rules.

In October, Romanian Agriculture Minister Florin Barbu said that  grain imports from Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova will be allowed only to Romanian farmers and processors on the basis of licenses.

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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