
Puppet therapy: the winner of the Time to Act, Ukraine contest shares the story of the library's transformation in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

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Vira Hudzyk has been working as a library director in Ivano-Frankivsk for just 3 years. She is the author of the amazing Puppet Bibliotherapy project, which has turned the library into a real magnet for children and adults.

Vira Hudzyk, director of the Les Martovych Horodenka City Public Library (Ivano-Frankivsk region), became the author of an amazing project "Puppet Bibliotherapy" that turned the library premises into a real magnet for children and adults, UNN reports .


She said that the library has a long history.

"Back in 1988, we had a tabletop finger theater. And since 1991, we have had a puppet theater. In this room, our employees have been showing children educational performances for many years," recalls Hudzyk.

The idea to modernize the library originated almost two years ago, with the beginning of the full-scale invasion. A lot of IDPs arrived in the community at that time, Hudzyk said.

"We were constantly showing performances for them. And we observed how important the discussion process was for them. We could feel how valuable and therapeutic it was for them to "live" difficult situations through language, emotions, and movements. We realized that it is now important for children to be not only spectators of our performances, but also participants - writers, actors," says the library director.

The Puppetry Therapy project was implemented thanks to the Time to Act, Ukraine social initiative competition from the MHP-Gromada Charitable Foundation.

"Our premises needed lighter, more cozy colors, new furniture, microphones and a laptop to record fairy tales in children's voices. Thanks to the 70 thousand hryvnias won in the Time to Act, Ukraine. 70 thousand UAH, our premises became as bright as the sun, we got modern furniture and fancy book shelves in the form of trees. At the expense of the city council (UAH 30 thousand), we renovated the flooring and purchased 50 hand puppets. And with the support of a local entrepreneur, a family of designers created fantastic wall decorations made of wood. Now, our visitors are greeted by a carved elephant with balloons, a wise owl, a sun and clouds. And the little stork sitting on the roof at the entrance was made by the husband of one of our colleagues. In a word, everyone created real magic together", - Gudzyk clarifies.

And that's not all, the theater director clarifies. In the coming weeks, it is planned to open registration for future actors.

"We already have a queue of applicants. Then we will start acting classes, children will create fairy tales. And then there will be performances for children, adults, and families of the defenders," said Gudzyk. The Puppetry Therapy project has brought about many changes, the library director believes. "First, children come to the library and say the same thing: "What a fairy tale." Secondly, this space is becoming a place where you want to be. It is warm, comfortable, cozy, like home. Thirdly, it reminds us that we need to act to make changes. That is why we are preparing to apply for the competition next year," she summarized.


The contest "Time to Act, Ukraine." has been held for the fourth year in a row. A record number of applications for participation in the contest was submitted this year - 837.

"This year, initiatives from charitable and civic organizations were actively submitted - 151 projects. Many proposals are aimed at developing public spaces, educational and medical projects, and infrastructure in small towns and villages. The experts of the competition committee also noted initiatives aimed at rehabilitating and preserving traditions and cultural heritage," adds Volodymyr Panchenko, head of national projects at the MHP-Hromada Charitable Foundation.

The budget of the competition is almost UAH 13 million. The grant competition covers 12 regions of Ukraine.


MHP-Community is a Ukrainian charitable foundation that started its activities in 2015. Its main mission is the comprehensive development of communities. The geography of its activities includes 12 regions of Ukraine: more than 700 towns and villages. Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Foundation has been systematically supporting people in the war zone, Ukrainian defenders and rescuers, communities, hospitals and maternity homes, charitable institutions that care for orphans and the elderly, as well as people who have lost their homes and livelihoods due to the war.  

Lilia Podolyak



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