
Poland launches Operation EASTERN AURORA to strengthen air defense

 • 114924 переглядiв

On August 1, Poland launches Operation EASTERN AURORA to strengthen air defense on its eastern borders. The goal is to protect against illegal violations of airspace, especially by drones and other UAVs.

On August 1, a new operation codenamed EASTERN AURORA will be launched to strengthen the air defense system of the Republic of Poland. This operation is a direct response to Russia's aggression against Ukraine, which has increased the risk of violating Polish airspace, UNN reports .


The main goal of EASTERN AURORA is to protect Poland's airspace from illegal violations of its borders, especially from objects that penetrate at low and very low altitudes, such as drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles. The operation covers the eastern and northeastern borders of the country, where the risk of violations is highest.

Coordination and Execution

The operational command of the Armed Forces will be responsible for coordinating the operation. The tasks will be performed by the units of the Air Operations Center - the Aviation Component Command, as well as other forces and means assigned to the operation. This will allow for effective resource management and rapid response to possible threats.

Main Objectives of the Operation

Operation EASTERN AURORA will include a number of tasks aimed at effectively preventing and neutralizing violations of Polish airspace, namel

  • Continuous monitoring of the airspace;
  • Responding to detected violations and neutralizing them;
  • Cooperation with allies and countries bordering Poland to ensure effective information exchange and coordination of defense activities;
  • Regular training and exercises of military personnel to ensure the highest level of operational readiness.

Investment in Long-Term Security

Strengthening the air defense system is not only a response to current events, but also an investment in the country's long-term security. Effective air defense is essential for the protection of Poland's sovereignty and territorial integrity. EASTERN AURORA is a step towards enhancing national security, which is especially important in the face of Russia's unpredictable actions.

Coordination of press and information activities

The Press Office of the Operational Command of the Polish Armed Forces is coordinating the press information activities related to the operation.

Thanks to advanced technology, efficient procedures and international cooperation, Poland will be able to effectively protect its airspace and ensure the safety of its citizens.

В Польщі розслідують діяльність майже сотні агрофірм, які підозрюють у махінаціях з українським зерном - ЗМІ24.07.24, 15:59


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