
Pletenchuk on the situation in Krynky: We continue to hold this area

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Ukrainian troops repelled four Russian attacks in Krynky, Kherson region, and continue to hold the area.

Over the past day, Ukrainian troops repelled four enemy attacks in Krynky in Kherson region. The defense forces continue to hold this area. This was reported by the spokesman for the Southern Defense Forces, Dmytro Pletenchuk, during a telethon, according to a correspondent of UNN.

"Four enemy attacks on the positions of Ukrainian marines in Krynky were repelled over the past day. The enemy suffered losses, we continue to hold this area," said Pletenchuk.

Бронетехніка, склади та піхота: прикордонники показали, як знищують ворожі цілі на лівому березі Херсонщини10.04.24, 09:32


Over the past day, the Ukrainian Armed Forces carried out 14 air strikes against the enemy's concentration of personnel, a radar station, an ammunition depot, air defense facilities, an electronic warfare station and a logistics depot.


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