
NATO is preparing plans and programs to counter Russia's hybrid threats - Blinken

 • 40723 переглядiв

NATO is preparing plans and programs to counter Russia's targeted hybrid threat strategy, including arson, sabotage, assassination attempts, disinformation and cyber threats aimed at undermining the security and cohesion of the Alliance.

NATO is preparing plans and programs to counter hybrid threats from Russia and other countries. This was stated by U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, speaking at the NATO summit in Washington on Wednesday, UNN reports with reference to Voice of America.

"The fact that we have seen attacks in recent months, arson, sabotage, assassination attempts, false information, disinformation, cyber threats... these are not isolated incidents, they are part of a deliberate strategy by Russia to undermine our security and alliance cohesion," Blinken said.

"We are in a dramatically changed security environment. New actors who pose challenges, but also new means, new methods," Blinken said, adding that NATO's new strategic concept reflects the fact that the alliance is facing hybrid threats.

"Since we published the strategic concept, we have been working to turn it into real plans, real programs that demonstrate that NATO is capable and effective in dealing with these challenges. These are the challenges that will be addressed at this Summit," Blinken said.

He added that "every ally is well aware of this" and "is keenly focused on it." "I think we need to start acting," Blinken said.


The publication notes that in recent months, a series of arson attacks have swept across Europe, which the authorities in the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, Latvia, Poland, France, and Germany attribute to Moscow's deliberate actions.

The European Union has also accused Russia and Belarus of using migration as a weapon against EU countries, in particular, Poland, the Baltic states, and Finland.

Separately, security experts talk about a series of contract killings in European countries that are linked to Russia and have been going on for many years.

Speaking about these incidents, security experts say that they are Russia's hybrid war against the West.

And with every increase in Western assistance to Ukraine, whether through the supply of new weapons or the imposition of new sanctions against Russia, the Kremlin is intensifying its hybrid actions, observers say.

Antonina Tumanova



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