
Almost one and a half thousand occupiers: Legion "Freedom of russia" names russian losses in battles in belgorod and kursk regions

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The Freedom of russia Legion claims to have captured 27 russian soldiers during a limited military operation in the Kursk and Belgorod regions and inflicted heavy losses on russian troops, including 613 killed, 829 wounded and the destruction of military equipment.

Almost three dozen russian soldiers were captured during the fighting in the Kursk and Belgorod regions. This was stated in a statement by the Legion "Freedom of russia", UNN reports.  


It is noted that as of the morning of March 18, the losses of the russian army in the border area amounted to: 613 killed, 829 wounded, and 27 people were taken prisoner.

During the few days of a limited military operation in the Belgorod and Kursk regions against Putin's troops, our enemy suffered huge losses in manpower and equipment. The Kremlin soldiers are demoralized by the massive deaths of their comrades-in-arms, who became senseless victims of Putin's sick ambitions

- the Legion said in a statement. 

Твої "вибори" давно вже перетворилися на повний фарс: Легіон "Свобода Росії", РДК і Сибірський батальйон записали звернення до путіна16.03.24, 18:06

According to the fighters, Freedom of russia was destroyed:

  •   7 tanks,
  • 6 D-30 howitzers,
  •  4 armored personnel carriers,
  •  four mortars,
  •  2 Rapier anti-tank guns,
  •  2 self-propelled artillery systems "Msta-S",
  •  2 Zala drones,
  •  one Grad multiple rocket launcher system,
  •  anti-tank grenade launcher,
  •  electronic warfare station,
  •  repeater,
  •  2 armored vehicles,
  •  2 excavators,
  •  57 cars
  •  and the "Murom" surveillance complex. 

Also, places of concentration of personnel, ammunition depots, dugouts, towers with antenna complexes, fortifications, video surveillance cameras, a cellular communication station, a bridge in the village of Gorky, etc. were destroyed or damaged.


The Freedom of Russia Legion said that together with Ichkerian volunteers they had taken control of the village of Gorkovskoye in the Belgorod region.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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