
More than 60 thousand hectares of Ukrainian forest destroyed by russians - analysis

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russians destroyed more than 60,000 hectares of forests in the occupied Ukrainian territories, causing damage worth more than UAH 14 billion.

In the occupied Ukrainian territories, russians have destroyed more than 60,000 hectares of forests. The minimum estimate of the cost of these losses is over 14 billion hryvnias. This conclusion was reached by NGL media, UNN writes.


Satellite imagery showed that during the two years of the war, russian troops completely destroyed more than 60,000 hectares of forests in the occupied territories, especially in places where the forest was sparse.

As of the time of the assessment, the total value of the lost forest exceeds UAH 14 billion, which reflects only direct losses in the form of the value of timber that could have been extracted from these 60,000 hectares. The losses do not take into account the environmental consequences, which may cost much more to eliminate.

In general, according to the State Forestry Agency, almost 30% of all forests in Ukraine have suffered some kind of damage as a result of the hostilities

- NGL media writes.


russian invaders are actively destroying the natural resource potential in the occupied territories. According to Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Hanna Malyar, since the beginning of the occupation, russian enterprises have organized logging in Zaporizhzhia, Kherson and other temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine.

росіяни знищили понад 26 тис. гектарів лісу на Луганщині - ОВА26.12.23, 12:56


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