
More than 37 thousand citizens of Ukraine are listed in the register of missing persons - Lubinets

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According to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, the Unified Register of Persons Missing under Special Circumstances currently contains more than 37,000 Ukrainian citizens, including civilians and military personnel.

Currently, more than 37 thousand Ukrainian citizens are listed in the Unified Register of Persons Missing in Special Circumstances. This was stated by the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets during the event "Civilians in illegal detention by russia: joint steps of the authorities and civil society for their release", reports UNN correspondent .


We currently have a Unified Register of Persons Missing in Special Circumstances. It is in the process of being filled with information. According to the latest data I received yesterday, the register currently contains more than 37 thousand Ukrainian citizens. These are civilians as well as members of the Armed Forces. The number will grow based on the information we have, which is automatically entered into the register first, so we see the number growing every month

- Lubinets said.

He noted that quite often russia holds both civilians and prisoners of war in the same institutions.

Thus, the return of prisoners of war provides an additional opportunity to obtain information about Ukrainian civilians. The list of civilian hostages includes public and church figures, journalists, civil servants, representatives of local self-government, police officers, ATO participants, and even three OSCE staff members. Abduction of representatives of international organizations and citizens of other states is a demonstrative disregard for international law

- Lubinets added.


For 10 years , russia has not provided any information about civilian Ukrainianswhom it has detained without any evidence and is actually keeping them in captivity.


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