
Lviv Regional Military District Administration denies fake letter about collecting information on students of Ivan Franko National University

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The Lviv Regional Military Administration called a letter circulating on the Internet demanding information about students of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv a fake and called on the public to rely on reliable sources.

The network the information about the alleged collection of information by the Lviv Regional State Administration about students of Ivan Franko National University. The Lviv Regional Military Administration categorically stated that the letter was a fake and called on citizens to observe information hygiene. This was reported by the press service of the Lviv Regional Military Administration, UNN reports.

Lviv Regional Military Administration officially states that this letter is fake. Please observe information hygiene and trust only  trusted sources. Do not let the enemy divide our people with lies.

- stated in the Lviv Regional Military Administration.


According to the information from the DEC, a photo of a fake letter allegedly signed by the commandant of the Lviv region. In the fake document, he allegedly appeals to the leadership of the Ivan Franko National University with a request to provide information about all male students.

The OVA assured that neither the regional commandant nor the leadership of their administration, did not send any letters of similar content to higher education institutions. institutions. They also emphasized that they do not collect any information about students.

Tatiana Salganik



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