
Legion "Freedom of Russia" announces a massive attack on military facilities in Belgorod

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The Freedom of Russia Legion announced a massive attack on Russian military facilities and positions in Belgorod at 17:00, urging residents to take shelter immediately.

The Legion "Freedom of Russia" announced a massive attack on military facilities and positions of the Russian Armed Forces in Belgorod. Russian Telegram channels are already reporting that it is noisy in the Belgorod region, UNN reports.

"Attention! Dear residents of Belgorod and the region! Today at 17:00, a massive attack will be launched on military facilities and positions of the Russian Armed Forces in Belgorod. We urge everyone who has not yet managed to leave the region to take shelter immediately! You must not become a human shield for Putin's security forces. Take care of yourselves and your loved ones," the Legion "Freedom of Russia" said in a statement.

"Російський добровольчий корпус" оголосив про повторну організацію гумкоридору для жителів бєлгородщини та курщини 15.03.24, 21:38

Antonina Tumanova



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