
KIIS: the majority of Ukrainians support or are neutral about the idea of creating a Government of National Unity

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A poll conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology showed that 37% of Ukrainians support a government of national unity, 38% are neutral, and 19% are against it. Also, most respondents have not decided who should lead it.

The majority of Ukrainian citizens positively or neutrally perceive the idea of creating a government of national unity from the majority of factions in the parliament, following the example of Israel, according to a survey conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS), UNN reports .


37% of Ukrainians are positive about this initiative, 38% are neutral, and 19% are negative. The remaining 7% have not decided on their opinion. In all regions, attitudes toward the creation of the Government of National Unity are quite similar

- is indicated in the report on the results of the study

Respondents were also asked in an open-ended question who they would like to see head such a government. Most respondents (76%) were unable to answer the question.

72% українців сприйняли б негативно відставку Залужного – опитування20.12.23, 16:59

The respondents who were able to answer the question named 71 different surnames. The table below summarizes the main answers. The most frequently mentioned names were P. Poroshenko, V. Zaluzhny and Y. Tymoshenko.


Against the backdrop of the public's demand for unity, the idea of a Government of National Unity seems quite appropriate (another question is viability, especially when it means less control for the government and less criticism for the opposition). However, at the moment we see that positive attitudes only rather prevail (compared to the share of those who have negative attitudes), i.e. we can rather talk about a restrainedly positive perception of such an initiative

- said Anton Grushetsky, Executive Director of KIIS, commenting on the results of the study.

At the same time, he emphasized that the results of the survey could have been influenced by the fact that the question listed the main factions in the parliament that could be part of the Government of National Unity.

КМІС: українці найбільше вірять Зеленському, Залужному та ЗСУ, натомість критика влади зростає18.12.23, 14:00

According to him, Ukrainians are quite critical of all four of these parties. Therefore, some respondents have a cautious or negative attitude due to the composition of the party, which they do not trust very much.

Probably, if we asked about simply a broad association of various social, political and volunteer forces, this idea would be more approved

- Hrushetsky suggested.

For reference

The survey was conducted from December 4 to 10, 2023, by computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI). Based on a random sample of mobile phone numbers (with random generation of phone numbers and subsequent statistical weighting), 1200 respondents living in all regions of Ukraine (except Crimea) were interviewed.

Formally, under normal circumstances, the statistical error of such a sample (with a probability of 0.95 and taking into account the design effect of 1.1) did not exceed 3.2% for indicators close to 50%, 2.7% for indicators close to 25%, 2.1% for indicators close to 10%, and 1.4% for indicators close to 5%.

In wartime, in addition to this formal error, a certain systematic deviation is added. KIIS has previously cited factors that may affect the quality of results in "wartime" conditions.


According to a poll conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, Ukrainians demonstrate the highest level of trust in Commander-in-Chief Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The second place was taken by public and political figure Serhiy Prytula, and the third place was taken by Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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