
Kadyrov regretted that his son did not kill the 19-year-old boy who burned the Koran in the detention center

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Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov supported his son Adam, who beat a man who burned a Koran, believing that such actions deserve punishment.

Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov during his annual live broadcast supported the actions of his son Adam, who beat a young man for burning the Koran. This is reported by Russian media, UNN reports.


Kadyrov is sure that his son did the right thing and there is nothing to punish him for. 

Punish? For what punishment? For beating an agent? It would have been nice if he had killed him on the spot. I have one wish when I think of the people who burn the Koran, that they should be punished

- Kadyrov said.

SEE ALSO: Severely beat the boy who burned the Quran: Kadyrov's son was awarded the title of "hero of Chechnya"

At the same time, Kadyrov said that at first he thought that his son would be prosecuted for beating the boy. According to him, he even tried to explain to his son that he could be imprisoned.

However, the boy indifferently stated that he would be honored to go to prison for his actions.


Kadyrov's son was awarded the Order "For Merit to the Kabardino-Balkar Republic". This is the fifth award for the 15-year-old after he beat up detainee Nikita Zhuravel.

As a reminder,

Nikita Zhuravel, a 19-year-old student who burned the Koran, was detained in May 2023 in Volgograd and then sent to a detention center in Chechnya. According to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, it was decided to transfer the case to Chechnya, in particular, due to "numerous appeals" from residents of the republic asking to "recognize them as victims"

Later, a video appeared on the network showing Ramzan Kadyrov's son severely beating the boy. Then the head of Chechnya supported the teenager's actions and said that Adam had done the right thing.  

Volodymyr Omelchenko

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