
Investigation of the Maidan events: the main evidence was the results of a comprehensive examination conducted by the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise

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First of all, we are talking about ballistic, trace, computer, handwriting, linguistic, and materials, substances, and products research.

The results of a comprehensive forensic examination conducted by experts from the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise became the basis of the evidence base in the Maidan investigation. This was reported on the air of the channel "We are Ukraine." by the deputy head of the State Bureau of Investigation on Maidan Artem Yablonsky, according to UNN.

%%QUOTE_TITLE%%The most important evidence in this case is a military examination - it is called a comprehensive, commission military and psychological examination, which lasted 2 years. It was conducted by the leadership and experts of KNIISE, it has 415 pages- said Yablonsky.


As Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of the Institute, wrote in his Telegram channel, it primarily concerns ballistic, trace, computer-technical, handwriting, linguistic research, as well as research of materials, substances and products.

At the same time, Yablonsky noted that the examination covers not only the events that actually took place around Euromaidan, but also traces many of the defendants from the moment they were appointed to their positions. In particular, it was found that half of the leaders of the security forces during Yanukovych's time had neither the appropriate education nor qualifications.

"When appointed to their positions, half of these defendants were not qualified for their positions due to health reasons. And accordingly, they were dismissed from their positions, but under Yanukovych they were reinstated. Accordingly, they received medical reports on their fitness for military service, and they became obliged to the president for reinstating them to such high positions," Yablonsky said.

According to him, this includes the then commander of the Internal Troops, Stanislav Shulyak, and the head of the Security Service, Oleksandr Yakymenko, both of whom had their careers take off after Yanukovych came to power. The investigation also established the chronology of events that took place on Euromaidan, in particular, the events of February 20, 2014.

"At 5:30, a group, I don't know if you can call them protesters or provocateurs, started shooting at unarmed law enforcement officers who were standing on Maidan Nezalezhnosti. Accordingly, the indecision and improper organization of service by the leadership of the internal troops and the Berkut units prevented the law enforcement officers from being armed. Accordingly, it was impossible to stop the shots immediately after they started. And neutralize or detain, stop the criminal offense on the part of the persons who were shooting, respectively," Yablonsky explained.

He added that the person who committed the first two murders, which occurred at 8 a.m., has been identified. It has also been established that instead of neutralizing those who were shooting at law enforcement officers, they, in turn, opened fire on a crowd of civilians.

"Unarmed people. Yes, they take part in protests, but they do not cause any harm to law enforcement officers who shoot at them. Accordingly, they cannot cause any harm. Assuming that these people would reach the police officers, they could not do anything to them with wooden shields. At this time, there are snipers on the roofs of the buildings surrounding this neighborhood. They are controlling the situation," Yablonsky said about the circumstances of the crimes that led to the deaths of civilians and law enforcement officers.

According to Oleksandr Ruvin on his Telegram channel, KFI experts answered all the questions posed by the pre-trial investigation bodies regarding the identification of law enforcement officers involved in the violent dispersal and premeditated killings of protesters.

%%QUOTE_TITLE%%The firearms used by the special forces were identified, all the circumstances of their use were established - the facts of shooting in each case, the number and direction of shots, the distance from which they were fired, and many other issues , Ruvin explained.

In addition, linguists from the Institute of Forensic Expertise studied the texts of legislative acts that were adopted on the eve of Euromaidan with a number of gross violations of the regulations and contradicted the constitutional rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens.

The signatures of responsible officials were also subjected to expert analysis. Artem Yablonsky, Deputy Head of the State Bureau of Investigation for Maidan Affairs, also points out that the investigation established that Yanukovych was not independent in his decision-making. Also, during the events of the Revolution of Dignity, there were consultants from the FSB in Ukraine who facilitated the commission of high treason by the top leadership of the SBU. These individuals have been identified and notified of suspicion.

"Putin's aide and the person who is in charge of the Russian Guard and is now directly conducting Russia's war against Ukraine, his surname is Zolotov (Viktor - ed.), he (then - ed.) came with documents undercover with a different surname. The chronology of Yanukovych's negotiations shows that he was not at all independent in his decision-making," Yablonsky said.


The State Bureau of Investigation, saidthat in October, the SBI completed its investigation into the largest Maidan case. The former leadership of Ukraine is accused of organizing the dispersal and shooting of demonstrators on February 18-20, 2014. Former high-ranking officials, including the former President of Ukraine, the then heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Minister of Defense, etc. 


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