
In Kherson, a rescuer involved in extinguishing a fire was injured in a repeated enemy shelling

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Rescuer diagnosed with acubarotrauma

A rescuer was injured in Kherson today while extinguishing a fire as a result of repeated shelling. This is stated in the message of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, reports UNN.

"This afternoon the occupants fired at the outskirts of Kherson. A warehouse and dead wood caught fire as a result of a munition hit. Firefighters arrived on call and began to extinguish the fire, but the enemy made repeated attacks. The rescuers were forced to retreat to a safe place, and one of the firefighters felt unwell. Doctors examined the firefighter, according to preliminary data, he has an acubar injury," the statement said.

ДСНС: через атаки армії рф по Херсонщині виникло 25 пожеж, з яких 9 в екосистемах14.07.24, 10:59


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