
IAEA conducts inspection at ZNPP due to 90-minute reactor blackout

 • 2065 переглядiв

IAEA experts conduct an inspection at Zaporizhzhia NPP.

The IAEA experts at ZNPP are inspecting and collecting information for their own independent assessment of the causes of the 90-minute power outage of the reactor at the Zaporizhzhia NPP on November 15. This was reported by the the IAEA agency, reports UNN.


It is noted that on November 15, the reactor unit of Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant No. 6 was temporarily de-energized and powered by an emergency diesel generator to generate electricity needed for cooling and other vital functions.

The damaged unit is in cold shutdown mode, but still needs access to power. None of the other five reactors at ZNPP lost power. lost power, three of which are also in cold shutdown mode, and two are in hot shutdown mode to generate steam and heat.

Although this was not a complete loss of external power supply, as we have seen seven times before during the conflict, it once again emphasizes the precarious nuclear safety and security situation at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant

International Atomic Energy Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi


IAEA experts present at ZNPP continue to hear explosions almost every day at some distance from the site, on the front line of the conflict.

In other activities conducted by the IAEA experts during the In other activities conducted by the IAEA experts over the past week, the team first walked around all six main control units of the ZNPP reactor one by one. This gave the team the opportunity to to gather more information on personnel and confirm the status of each reactor unit.

SEE ALSO: Russians put Zaporizhzhya NPP Units 4 and 5 on hot - State Nuclear Energy Agency

Lilia Podolyak



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