
Hostile shelling in Sumy region: a child was killed and 13 wounded, including 7 children

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Terrorists shelled Sumy region 21 times over the last day, 92 explosions were recorded. The attacks killed a 14-year-old child and wounded 13 civilians, including 7 children.

Terrorists shelled Sumy region 21 times during the day, killing 1 child and injuring 13 civilians, including 7 children. This was reported by the Sumy regional military administration, UNN reports.


During the day, russians fired 21 times at the border areas and settlements of Sumy region. 92 explosions were recorded. Yunakivska, Miropilska, Bilopilska, Krasnopilska, Velykopysarivska, Novoslobidska, Hlukhivska, Esmanska, Shalyhinska and Seredyna-Budska communities were shelled

- Sumy Regional Military Administration.

Situation in the communities

Bilopilska: the occupant fired from mortars (5 explosions), artillery (8 explosions), and MLRS (6 explosions).

Krasnopilska: the enemy attacked using 3 FPV drones (3 explosions).

Esmanska: russians dropped 9 mines on the territory of the community.

Yunakivska: the invaders fired using FPV drones (6 explosions) and MLRS (4 explosions).

Miropilska: the enemy launched 8 NARs (8 explosions) from 1 enemy helicopter.

Hlukhivska: the enemy attacked with Grad multiple rocket launchers (12 explosions). As a result, 1 child (14 years old) died; 13 civilians were injured, 7 of them were children.

Shalyhinska: terrorists dropped 2 mines on the territory of the community. There was also a shelling with the use of 1 FPV drone (1 explosion).

Velykopysarivska: the aggressor carried out mortar attacks (13 explosions) and attacks from an automatic grenade launcher (4 explosions).

Novoslobidske: hostile forces conducted mortar attacks (13 explosions), dropped 2 explosive objects from a UAV (2 explosions).

Seredina-Budska: an enemy UAV dropped an explosive object (1 explosion).

Наслідки удару рф: на Сумщині рятувальники ліквідували пожежу на об'єкті критичної інфраструктури23.07.24, 20:28


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